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Aboriginal Girl Magic

Aboriginal Fashion


My nieces are the inspiration behind the Aboriginal Girl Magic tee. I wanted to create a special tee to reaffirm how special and extraordinary they are and to encourage them to stand strong in their Aboriginality.

The Aboriginal Girl Magic artwork incorporates the boisterous badass design famously derived from the 70s Blaxploitation films. The design encapsulates the rise of the Civil Rights Movement that took place here in Australia and the U.S. during that time. A significant point in Bla©k history forged by Elders who granted me the freedom and sovereignty I enjoy today.

The sun represents my people's strength; no matter what social, cultural or political injustices we face, we will always persevere – rising like the sun each day to fight for our rights. And our battle to reclaim the Aboriginal flag.

As an Aboriginal and African-American woman, what better way to blend the power of affirmation, culture and justice through fashion.

When I wear my Aboriginal Girl Magic tee, I feel like a superhero, a Deadly Blak Mama Jama. I hope you do too.